I Hope Your sitting Comfortably, For this tale can go many different ways..
Welcome to the Penance Halloween Project 2018 – We Wrote a tale, based on our love on horror and storytelling, and We Opened it up to those of you out there who were brave enough to take up this quest…
13 Podcasts accepted our challenge, in one way or another..
10 Episodes Were Recorded, All Totally Different from each other
And While the Story stayed the same, the methods became abstract
Between Those who want the finest Details.. And those who’s patience sorely Lacked
So Let us Open the Dungeon with this Tale of a Missing Merchant’s Son
Who will survive and What will become of them for now the Games have Begun…
Tonight We Bring you Episode 5 – How the Quest was Won
How The Quest Was Won is an actual play tabletop role-playing game podcast. It features a group of friends playing different RPG’s. The current campaign is using the Dungeons & Dragons 5e rules.
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Editor’s Note: since we were recording different groups via discord – who had various degrees of experience with recording online – the audio quality may vary Player to player. We did our best to minimise this difference but sometimes it was beyond our control.
This Episode Especially had more audio cutout than most, Apologies if it distracts from the story.
Also the Intro has a relatively quiet intro. This has been done to Build suspense, please wait until Artie has begun speaking (around 18 seconds in) before adjusting your sound volume, Apologies if you only read this after.
All Music Was Written & Performed by Daniel Boström
Learn more at Penancerpg.com
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