It’s August! This means that as soon as we recover from Bloodstock, it’s time to get hyped for Tabletop Scotland 2019! Last year was their inaugural convention and we were lucky enough to attend – and we thoroughly enjoyed the weekend.
First, the basics. Tabletop Scotland is a 2 day con which covers all forms of tabletop gaming – board games, role playing games and war gaming – as well as having competition games (Pandemic, Ticket To Ride, and Settlers of Catan) and one shot RPGs to be played on the day. This year looks like it’s going to be bigger and better, so listen to our review of last year and check out all the planned improvements.
There were very few negatives, impressively so for its first year. Most of them were in fact to do with the venue, and not the responsibility of the con at all. These were mainly how hot it became in the seminar rooms and that the seminars ended up running very close together. The venue staff were lovely but clearly a little overwhelmed, particularly in the cafe. This was probably due to the sheer number of visitors the con attracted. It was incredibly busy on the Saturday. Obviously these are small things that the venue will easily address for this year.
One feature of the organisation that was incredibly impressive was the attention to accessibility. There were ramps installed, the floor was raised, there was an excellent amount of space in the hall. It was comfortable for Dragon to walk around with her walking stick and several attendees used wheelchairs. Although the lift in the venue was rather small for those with mobility aids, it worked well enough in practice.
So what for Tabletop Scotland 2019? Everything for this year looks fantastic! There is double the space downstairs, the children’s RPGs (a new addition for 2019) will be downstairs as well as the family zone, game playtesting and open play tables. Vendors will be spread over both downstairs halls and the list of them can be found
here. We got some great things last year, we’ll be sure to bring plenty of spending money this time as well!

There are dozens of games to play over the weekend. RPG tables will be held upstairs with some spaces at every table held for people to sign up on the day. Children’s RPGs will be downstairs. With a fab range of systems, the RPGs are largely booked up in advance and look like great fun.
Hopefully we will see lots of you there on August 24th & 25th! You can identify us by the furry ears and Penance RPG shirts. Pre-purchase for tickets and online booking for events are now closed – however, you can buy tickets on the day, and all events have a small number of spaces reserved for claiming on the day as well.