Champion of the Wild 3. Plummet Cast!

Welcome to our third Champion of the World competition – a card game where our cast roll to select random animals and have to argue why they would be best at selected sporting events. This time, it is the turn of the Plummet cast! So come join Ash, Belry, Daniel and Squid as they attempt … “Champion of the Wild 3. Plummet Cast!”

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Champion of the Wild 2. Abyss Cast

To Break the Ice between the Cast of Penance RPG’s New Series Abyss we got the Cast to play a few Rounds of “Champion of the wild” So Come Join Dragon, Suzie, Freya, Wednesday and Tauno as they attempt to convince each other of their own successful strategies on how their Animal would indeed take … “Champion of the Wild 2. Abyss Cast”

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